
Wijk & Wijk Publishers
The Netherlands  
Refugees tell their story...

Refugees tell their story...
ISBN: 90-77043-09-8
full color
hard cover
80 pages

price: €15,70

Who would flee spontaneousley
Who would abandon his own house,
his own town or village, his own family,
Without saying farewel
And then arrive somewhere
where you are not welcome?

Marie Wijk discovered that drawing is a world language and that (children's) drawings open many hearts among young and old. In this book about and by refugees she has supplemented the drawings with statements about life in the countries of origin, the reasons for fleeing, the flight itself, the reception and experiences in the Netherlands, and their own vision of the future.

Texts that are brief and to the point. Ideas and circomstances are sometimes different, sometimes strikingly similar, often moving. 'The refugee' does not exist. Everyone is different, has his or her own story, his or her own face.

This book is not intented to be read in one go from A to Z. Marie Wijk hopes you will pick up this book again and again. One poem or remark can provide a topic of conversation for a whole evening.

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